[medoc] Stellenanzeige Information & Records Co-ordinator beim IPC in Bonn

Frank Dürr duerr at sportmuseum.de
Mi Jul 27 09:36:08 CEST 2011

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
gerne setze ich Sie von der Stellenausschreibung des Internationalen Paralympischen Komitees (IPC) in dessen Bonner Zentrale in Kenntnis.
Bitte richten Sie Ihre Bewerbung an den unten stehenden Kontakt.
Mit besten Grüßen
Frank Dürr, Direktor Deutsches Sport & Olympia Museum 

IPC Information & Records Co-ordinator (m/f)

at the IPC Headquarters in Bonn, Germany.

If you are an energetic, open-minded individual for whom working in a global sports organization could be challenging and you
* have a university degree or equivalent in archives management, records management, information science or related field
* have excellent organizational skills and are computer literate in MS Office programmes and experience in working with archive, museum and/or library databases (e.g. Adlib XPlus)
* have good knowledge of archive and records management principles and standards and proven experience in library cataloguing and archival/ museum description
* are conscientious and detail-oriented and able to work independently
* have excellent English verbal and written skills (knowledge of other languages is an advantage),

then we would like you to join our team.

The main responsibilities of this position are:
* Managing the small IPC Documentation Centre (archives, library and museum collection) including the selection, appraisal, arrangement, description, preservation and protection of items
* Overseeing records management (hardcopy and electronic filing)
* Liaising with IPC Departments on records disposal and destruction
* Developing and managing a retention schedule for IPC records
* Providing internal and external information services
* Supporting exhibitions on the Paralympic Movement

You will report to the IPC Chief Operating Officer.
For more information on the IPC Documentation Centre please visit the IPC website: http://www.paralympic.org/IPC/Documentation_Centre/.

We especially encourage individuals with a disability to apply. 
If you are interested, and your qualifications meet our requirements, please send your application only by e-mail, no later than 25 July to the IPC. 
Please stipulate your earliest possible starting date and salary expectations (please give precise figures in Euro).

International Paralympic Committee (IPC)
Georg Schlachtenberger
Adenauerallee 212-214, 53113 Bonn, Germany
Official IPC Website: www.paralympic.org <http://www.paralympic.org/>  
Applications by e-mail to 
georg.schlachtenberger at paralympic.org

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