[medoc] iPRES2021: 3rd Call for Contributions

Strathmann, Stefan strathmann at sub.uni-goettingen.de
Mo Apr 19 12:35:40 CEST 2021

*Apologies for cross-posting*

Dear Colleagues,

We are here calling for contributions to and participation in iPRES2021, Oct. 19-22, 2021.

iPRES, or the International Conference on Digital Preservation( https://ipres-conference.org/ <%20https:/ipres-conference.org/> ), is the premier conference series on digital preservation. Since 2004 there have been annual iPRES conferences around the globe for the international digital preservation community to share their recent research, development projects, implementation efforts, and other practical experiences, and to enhance collaborations within the field and across the related domains.

Because of the COVID-19 outbreak, the iPRES2020 had to be postponed to iPRES2021. With the support of the whole community, the 17th International Conference on Digital Preservation, iPRES2021, (http://ipres2021.ac.cn/ <http://ipres2021.ac.cn/>  ), will be held at the National Science Library, in Oct 19-22, 2021, Beijing, China, and will be organized in a hybrid mode. iPRES2021 will be co-hosted by the National Science and Technology Library (NSTL) and the National Science Library of Chinese Academy of Sciences(NSL).

With this letter, we are sending you the Call for Contributions and the Call for Participation. Please see the attached documents for details. Or, you can refer to the documents at http://ipres2021.ac.cn/dct/page/70005 <http://ipres2021.ac.cn/dct/page/70005>

Important Dates
30 Apr. 2021: All peer-reviewed paper submissions due
30 Apr. 2021: Proposals for other peer-reviewed due
01 May, 2021: Registration open for early birds
15 Jun. 2021: All peer-reviewed contributions notified
15 Jun. 2021: Submission begins for Lightning Talks
31 Jul. 2021: Revisions due
01 Aug. 2021: Registration closed for early birds and open for regular registration.
15 Aug. 2021: Acceptance decisions notified
15 Aug. 2021: First full program
15 Spt. 2021: Second full program
10 Oct. 2021: Final full program
19-22 Oct. 2021: Conference

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any question about iPRES2021 at ipres2021 at mail.las.ac.cn <mailto:ipres2021 at mail.las.ac.cn>

Looking forward to see you at iPRES2021 on-site or online.

Chairs of iPRES2021 Organizing Committee
Director & Professor Yiqi Peng, National Science and Technology Library, Ministry of Science and Technology of China
Director & Professor Xiwen Liu, National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences

On behalf of the iPRES2021 Organising Committee:


Stefan Strathmann

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen

Göttingen State and University Library

D-37070 Göttingen

Platz der Göttinger Sieben 1 (Central Library, Room 2.23)

+49 551 39-7806 (Tel.)

strathmann at sub.uni-goettingen.de


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