[medoc] VIEW Journal - Call for Paper (deadline extended)

Isabel Beirigo ibeirigo at beeldengeluid.nl
Do Jan 26 10:18:06 CET 2023

Dear Reader,

The deadline for submitting your proposal for the upcoming Issue #25 “The
Changing Newsroom: Disinformation & Multimedia Journalism” was extended to
February 14th, 2023.

This new issue is presented by MediaNumeric
<https://blog.euscreen.eu/medianumeric/> and co-edited by guest editors
Joke Hermes (InHolland University of Applied Sciences, MediaNumeric
partner), Kuba Piwowar (SWPS, MediaNumeric partner) & Julia Conemans
(Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision, MediaNumeric partner & BENEDMO).

This special issue seeks to bring together scholars, archivists, and other
interested parties to investigate how the new technologies and data-driven
innovation have transformed the media landscape.

Learn more at https://www.viewjournal.eu/announcement/#cfp25.

Please share this one widely within your networks -- or why not send in
your own article proposals?

Many thanks!

VIEW publishing team and editorial board


[image: Beeld&Geluid]

Media Parkboulevard 1, 1217 WE Hilversum
Postbus 1060, 1200 BB Hilversum | beeldengeluid.nl

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