[medoc] REGISTRATION OPEN | Inward Outward Symposium | Mar 16 & 17, 2023

Isabel Beirigo ibeirigo at beeldengeluid.nl
Mi Feb 8 16:08:02 CET 2023

Inward Outward Symposium

Witnessing/Care & the Archive

16 & 17 March 2023 | Framer Framed <https://framerframed.nl/en/> (Amsterdam)

*Register for Symposium

Dear reader,

We're pleased to announce that registration for Inward Outward is now open!

The symposium Inward Outward investigates the status of moving image and sound
archives as they intertwine with questions of coloniality, identity and race.
Here, the archive is understood as resting in both physical structures
(e.g. national, regional, local or personal) and less tangible ‘cultural
archives’ (e.g. beliefs, knowledge, collective memories). Through the
symposium, we bring theory and practise into dialogue by drawing together
people from different professional and creative backgrounds.

The third Inward Outward takes place March 16 & 17, 2023 at Framer Framed
<https://framerframed.nl/en/> (Amsterdam) as a series of three
lecture/conversation sessions and a workshop. This iteration of the
symposium will focus on Witnessing/Care, with these two terms articulated
in tandem. We mobilize Witnessing/Care together, as complementary
practices, calling to each other as tools to move through the archive, but
that may also be wielded in tension. These two words are deployed as verbs
to highlight a form of implication, a refusal to conceive of archival work
as a passive performance.

For the Full Programme, Practical Info & Accessibility visit HERE

Register for the symposium

Looking forward to seeing you all!

The Inward Outward Team


[image: Beeld&Geluid]

Media Parkboulevard 1, 1217 WE Hilversum
Postbus 1060, 1200 BB Hilversum | beeldengeluid.nl

[image: Banner] <https://files.beeldengeluid.nl/handtekening/index.html>
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