[Nyeleni Infopost] [Nyéléni] Digitalization: New edition Nyeleni online!

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Mi Sep 18 11:36:15 CEST 2019

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Von: Nyéleni newsletter <newsletter-en at nyeleni.org>
Datum: 16.09.2019 10:53 vorm.
Betreff: [Nyéléni] Digitalization: New edition Nyeleni online!
An: Newsletter-EN at nyeleni.org

    */EN/       The digitalization of the food system*
    ***The* *new editionof the NyéléniNewsletteris nowonline! 

    Today, more than 820 million people suffer from hunger while obesity
    also continues to increase across the world. Biodiversity in food
    and agriculture is being eroded at an alarming rate by the
    destruction of eco-systems. Climate change is accelerating (...).

    Meanwhile a new “silver bullet” is being presented by corporations,
    governments and international institutions to tackle hunger,
    malnutrition and climate change: digitalization. (...)

    Digital technologies have the potential to be beneficial or harmful
    depending on the context. Small-scale food producers have their own
    technologies, innovations and knowledge. However, so do
    corporations, who seek monopoly controls on technology. Also,
    digitalization is happening in an era of increasing inequalities,
    authoritarianism and oppression.(...)



    /Click/ <http://www.nyeleni.org/ccount/click.php?id=136> here to
    download the English edition//or read it directly in the website at
    www.nyeleni.org <http://www.nyeleni.org> !          

    For any further information, please contact info at nyeleni.org
    <mailto:info at nyeleni.org>
    *Please circulate* it to your contacts!


    Emanuela Russo
    Coordinator of the international Nyéléni Newsletter

    www.nyeleni.org <http://www.nyeleni.org>
    info at nyeleni.org <mailto:info at nyeleni.org>


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